Surviving Assault Or Battery: A Personal Injury Case Can Help You Get Back On Your Feet

14 August 2015
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Even if the police have already dealt with someone who intimidated or attacked you, it can be hard to get your life back on track. Lost wages, medical bills, or residual emotional trauma can all make daily living more difficult. If you feel you're still struggling with the effects of the incident, it may be time to consider exploring your options for a civil personal injury case against your attacker. At the very least pursuing a civil suit against the person who wronged you may help you live your life more comfortably. Read More 

Getting Married For The Second Time? Don’t Second Guess A Prenuptial Agreement

12 August 2015
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If you are getting married for a second time and the first divorce you had drained you financially, you'll want to meet with a divorce lawyer before you walk down the aisle again. About 67 percent of second marriages fail, and you want to be prepared, even if divorce isn't something you think could ever happen to you again. A divorce lawyer can help you protect what you have going into the marriage, and can prevent you from struggling financially again if you divorce. Read More 

Things To Consider When Setting Up A Trust Fund For Your Pet

10 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Life is uncertain, and many people don't have a plan of action for their pets if something happens to them. It leaves your pets vulnerable to being put down or placed in the pound if anything should happen to you. Knowing how to create a trust fund for your pets will give you peace of mind and give your pets a more certain fate. Setting Up The Trust When you first sit down to set up a trust, know that the more specific you are, the more secure the trust is. Read More 

When Does A Landlord Need To Hire A Real Estate Lawyer?

7 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Unless you own vast apartment complexes or a multitude of rental homes, you probably don't have a real estate lawyer on retainer. However, that doesn't mean that you don't need a lawyer from time to time. Learn how to determine whether or not you should hire a real estate lawyer. Evictions For the most part, evictions are a simple process and can be handled on your own. However, there are a few circumstances where it would be beneficial to you to hire a lawyer, including: Read More 

Costly Mistakes In Your Auto Accident Claim

6 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Even though you might do everything you can to stay safe when driving down the road, there is no way to determine what someone else is going to do. Being involved in an auto accident can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming. There are a ton of different things you need to do to make sure everything is taken care of and you aren't shorted on the amount you are supposed to receive for your settlement claim. Read More