How To Know When To Hire A Civil Litigation Attorney

31 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When some people think about lawyers, they often picture the high-powered criminal cases that they might have seen on television or at the movies. The big screen characterizes criminal attorneys as dramatic, over the top individuals who are trying to prove that the other party committed a crime against their client, or they are depicted as a defense bulldog who will do anything to see the person they are representing walk free. However, there is another type of lawyer that might hit a bit closer to home. Civil litigation attorneys deal in matters that are not criminal in nature. Here are a few ways you can tell that it's time to get a civil litigation lawyer on your side.

You Need To Settle A Debt

Regardless of whether the person you loan money to is a friend, family member, or neighbor, you still have a right to get your funds back. Working hard for your income means that you deserve to be repaid at the time that was agreed upon by the two of you.

If you have loaned money to another party and they haven't paid you back, it's best to hire a civil litigation attorney. Financial matters can get very ugly if they are handled without a third-party standing between the two other parties to direct the emotions the right way. After making a few reminder phone calls and patiently asking to be given back the money that you loaned someone else to no avail, don't be afraid to let a civil litigation attorney step in. The quiet persuasiveness of the lawyer can either coax the debtee into giving back the money or your representative can start the legal proceedings.

Someone Has Defamed You

In an age where it is so easy to completely defame a person's name just by inputting a few clicks on a keyboard, it is vital for you to defend yourself if someone tries to slander your reputation. Whether it's leaving a completely false set of reviews about your business, products, or services, or even if lies are being spread all over social media websites when you know the information is not true. A civil litigation attorney can help you get a gag order against the other person without you having to get your hands dirty.

Civil litigation attorneys are there to keep peace in situations that pertain to everyday life. If you believe that you have been the victim of a civil violation, it's best to get on the phone with one of these lawyers immediately.
