Child Custody: What You Should Know

28 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a child and you are divorcing, or you are no longer with the other parent, you may end up needing a child custody attorney to help you if the other party is trying to fight you for custody. There are a number of things you should know when going into a custody battle with the other party. Read on for a few things you should be aware of ahead of time that can help you as you go through this time in your life.

It Isn't All About You

Don't be selfish during this time. Yes, you want to be involved in every part of your child's life and be their number one person they go to in their life, but there is another parent in their life as well and you can't be selfish. You are going to have to share time with the other parent. Don't think that every situation is all about you and the other party has to be on the same page with this as well. Too often, those involved in a child custody battle don't put their own children first - consider your child as you go through this time.

Listen To Your Attorney

Listen to the advice from your attorney and don't go out of your way to go against the advice of your attorney. Also, be sure not to do anything unless your attorney knows about it. Don't sign anything or go into any meetings without your attorney present. Your attorney is there to help protect you and your child as well, so don't do anything that could go against this.

Make The Best Of It

You are going to be given time with your child and you need to make the best of these times. If you weren't awarded full custody and only given a few days per month time with your child, you need to make the best of it until you can try again to get more time with your child. Just because you didn't get the time you wanted the first time, you can always try again later down the road. Don't give up and always make the best of the time you are given with your child.

If you are going through a child custody situation, be sure you have a child custody attorney to help you navigate through the process. Remember the above-mentioned information as you go through the case and remember that this is all about your child(ren). To learn more information, reach out to a company such as Hart Law Offices, PC.
