When And Why You Should Hire A Child Custody Lawyer

23 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Child custody cases are often tedious, lengthy, complex, and an enormous emotional drain. More so if the parents involved have some bad blood between them. 

If you face a similar predicament, you need professional assistance to ensure the process is smooth and timely.

Child Custody Lawyers

Custody attorneys specialize in custody and family law. A custody lawyer works with you, the parent, to convince the court that you are best suited to look after the child in context. 

When Is a Child Custody Lawyer Indispensable?

If you seek custody from a court of law, it is advisable to engage the services of custody attorneys. Several scenarios make their services extremely vital, including:

If your kid is in danger

Your child's well-being is a priority. If your current or former partner has a dark history involving violence or drug abuse, hire a professional attorney to assist you to win the custody of your child and protect them from potential violence. They will strive to ensure your kid doesn't end up in a toxic environment.

And, if possible, ask your representative to petition for a restraining order against the dangerous partner.

If the other party has a custody attorney

As a pro se litigant (meaning someone that is representing themselves with no attorney), the chances of winning a case against a trained and experienced custody lawyer are pretty low. If the other parent has decided to hire an attorney, it's advisable to follow suit.

If you have ever had past run-ins with the law

During a custody case, be prepared to face any run-ins you've ever had with the law. And especially if they involve drugs and alcohol abuse. Your ex is likely to bring it up to taint your image.

If you think this will be a problem, which it usually is, get a lawyer to persuade the court that you have reformed or to prove the claims are unsubstantiated.

If your ex is unlawfully barring you from seeing your child

An attorney comes in handy when the other parent is trying to derail your relationship with your child. If your ex unlawfully obstructs you from seeing your child or changes custody plans without notice, seek legal representation.

If you are unfamiliar with family and custody law

Representing yourself requires extensive and time-consuming research. Especially when you have no prior experience with custody law. Hire a lawyer to save time and avoid the hassles and pitfalls that plague most amateur pro se litigants.

The Bottom Line

As a parental guardian, you want the best for your child. If you believe you will be the ideal custodian, hire a reputable attorney to increase the chances of getting positive results. Child custody lawyers will help you navigate law loopholes, avoid disastrous mistakes, and save you from the immense stress associated with self-representation.

If you have questions, contact a child custody lawyer near you to learn more.
