How An Auto Accident Attorney Can Prove Who's At Fault In A T-Bone Collision

21 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Being involved in a T-bone collision can be a traumatizing experience. And if you're sure the accident isn't your fault, you may be wondering how you can prove liability and receive the compensation you deserve. Here's what you need to know; hire an auto accident attorney who has experience handling such cases. Read along to learn the methods your auto accident attorney will use to help you get a fair settlement.

1. Reviewing the Police Report

One of the first things your lawyer will do is review the police report from the accident. The document contains information about who was determined to be at fault. However, it's important to remember that police reports are not always accurate.

In some cases, the police officer wrongly perceives the situation and inaccurately assigns liability. If this is the case for your accident, your attorney will iron things out to ensure the police report doesn't come back to bite you during your case.

2. Talk to Eyewitnesses

If there were any eyewitnesses to the accident, your auto accident attorney would likely reach out to them to get their version of events. Eyewitnesses can provide valuable insight into what happened and who is at fault. This information can add more credibility to your case and make all other pieces of evidence in your case stronger and more believable.

3. Watch Surveillance Footage

Some roads have surveillance cameras that may have captured the accident. If there is any surveillance footage of the accident, your attorney will review it to look for any clues about who is at fault. Surveillance footage can be extremely helpful in determining who is at fault because it provides an unbiased view of what happened.

4. Take Photographic Evidence of Vehicle Damage

If there's one thing that will prove liability in a T-bone car accident, it is the photographic evidence of the damage your vehicle sustained. Your attorney will also take pictures of the other driver's vehicle to prove that they're the ones who hammered into your vehicle.

Besides the picture, your legal representative will also talk to your mechanic to gain insight into how your vehicle might have sustained such damages. This way, they can have conclusive evidence that can be presented in a court of law.

5. Collecting Your Medical Records

Your medical records are one of the best sources of evidence after a T-bone accident. Your lawyer will collect all of them from the treatment you got admitted to after the accident. The medical records will help to prove the severity of your injuries and the extent of the damages you have incurred.

Clearly, your auto accident attorney has many methods they can use to prove liability in your T-bone car accident. So don't be tempted to pursue legal action against the at-fault driver without your attorney's assistance. For more information, contact an auto accident attorney near you.
